Best Story Books for Preschoolers
Now that we all are nearly sailing in the boat of homeschooling (all thanks to Pandemic), we surely struggle for some good reads for our little stars. With that in mind, I decided to bring together 10 top storybooks every preschooler must-have. It was hard to break it down to such a small list and I know that you will have many books to add so feel free to leave a comment with the titles you suggest for preschoolers and I will be happy to add. Happy Reading!
1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Storybook for preschoolers A must-have first storybook for every child. The colourful and attractive pictures tell the story of how a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. It even gives a moral lesson to kids regarding various varieties of food and food habits.
You can order your copy here. The very hungry caterpillar.
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